The most important feature of the Alberto Visconti Senesi S.rl. is its 100% internal production. The product performs all its production cycle within the company (engravings creation, iron and other equipments’ milling, galvanic, enamelling, serigraphy and engraving processes, up to assembly and packaging), thanks to internal sculptors and designers.

This allows to monitor all of the production phases. The confidentiality of the final client is a considerable feature.

The Alberto Visconti Senesi S.r.l. is a dynamic company with an ad hoc production for all our clients.

Each creation is different from one other and that’s why you won’t find an online catalogue on this website, but only examples of items which represent our production.

We create unique and personal items after an idea, a pattern, a sketch or a photo.

Finished products only come out from the Alberto Visconti Senesi S.r.l., ready to be used in many fields and applications (sports and religious events, remembrances, industrial brands, fashion and gadget market).

Our product is “ready-to-use”.